About HeadFIT
Life in the British Armed Forces brings with it a unique set of challenges and stressors. Unchecked, anxieties and feelings can get out of control – affecting our ability to perform at our best. We’ve created HeadFIT to maintain your mental fitness and achieve peak performance.
Mental fitness exercises to use everyday
HeadFIT is made up of mental health exercises designed to be straightforward to learn, and easy to build into your daily schedule.
Mental fitness is as important as physical fitness
We all have habits and routines to stay physically fit. We need to be just as disciplined about staying mentally fit too. Familiarise yourself with the HeadFIT exercises, and develop a shortlist of the ones that really work for you. So when you’re challenged, you’re equipped to build up your resilience and get back to peak performance.
The science of HeadFIT
HeadFIT exercises are designed to be super relatable, but there’s a lot of science behind them. Each one is built using the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). In any given situation, they provide you with a way of understanding your feelings, regulating your emotions and acting in a way that brings our your very best.
Extra support
HeadFIT is designed to keep serving personnel and the wider defence community mentally fit. It is not the same as clinical help. If you think you require more urgent support, there a range of resources that can help.
Need more help
Other mental fitness programmes